Pajarito Yerba Maté Orgánico is a high-quality yerba mate from Paraguay.
Pajarito Premium is 100% pure mate. This yerba contains a small amount of stems.
Pajarito Selección Especial is a yerba mate consisting of both stems and leaves.
Pajarito Yerba Maté Seleccion ESPECIAL - 500g.
Yerba mate Pajarito comes from the Itapúa region in Paraguay.
Pajarito Yerba Maté Tradicional is a strong yerba mate with stems.
Pajarito Yerba Maté Tradicional Pajarito tradicional is a strong yerba mate with stems.
Pajarito Yerba Maté - 2kg in linen gift packaging. Ideal as a gift for any mate lover.
Pajaro Azul is a seleccion especial mate, meaning it is made from the best leaves.
For those seeking an authentic and sophisticated yerba mate drinking experience.
Low proportion of powder particles, natural aging and balanced taste.
Pampa Organica is an Argentine maté with a delicate flavor, dried without smoke.
The dried leaves come from natural plantations with no artificial plant protection product
From the start, the infusion impresses with its intensity and interesting background notes
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Yerba Mate Parana Chimarrao Traditional - 500g
Parana Tropeira is an exceptional yerba mate in the classic Uruguayan style.
Parana Tropeira is an extraordinary yerba mate in the classic Uruguayan style.
Pindare is a classic version without additives, mainly containing finely chopped leaves.
Piporé Yerba Mate is one of the most balanced classic Argentine matés on the market.
It is characterized by a low dust content and a fraction of medium-cut leaves.
Pipore Yerba Maté ESPECIAL is a top-quality product.