Union Suave Yerba Maté. Brand of one of the largest yerba maté producers in the world.
Valle Verde 500g is a premium Paraguayan yerba maté with an authentic and intense flavor,
Verdeada Tradicional is a handcrafted yerba from a family-run production in Misiones.
This mate is planted and grown without the use of agrochemicals.
Verdelandia Chimarrao Premium Moida Grossa is chimarrao with a very coarse cut.
Verdelandia Nativa Premium is traditional chimarrao, with a coarser cut.
Verdelandia Nativa Premium is a traditional chimarrao with a coarse cut.
Verdelandia Nativa is traditional chimarrao made from the leaves of wild-grown yerba maté
Verdelandia Tereré Extra Strong is a Brazilian maté with a coarse cut.
Yerba Mate Verdelandia Tereré Ice with a generous amount of mint.
Verdelandia Tereré Lemon is a classic green maté enriched with natural lemon aroma.
Yerba Maté Verdelandia Tereré Lemon Mint is enriched with peppermint and natural lemon.
Verdelandia Tereré Mint Black Premium is a green mate with larger, thicker leaves.
Verdelandia Terere Mint Boldo is a refreshing yerba mate.
Verdelandia Tereré Natural is a classic green maté with larger, thicker leaves.
Verdelandia Tereré Pure Leaf is purely leaf mate suitable for cold preparation as tereré.
Villa Bonita Tradicional - is a traditional Argentine yerba maté with an authentic flavor.
XIMANGO Cinnamon Compound is a Brazilian yerba mate blend with a refreshing taste.
Ximango Moida Grossa Chimarrao is a classic Moida Grossa chimarrao.
It combines the finest quality yerba mate with vibrant lemon and ginger flavors.
Ximango's Erva Mate Terere, blended with delightful pineapple and mint flavors.
Yerba Maté Ximango Traditional is a traditional Brazilian chimarrao with a creamy taste.