This mate is planted and grown without the use of agrochemicals.
Verdelandia Nativa Premium is traditional chimarrao, with a coarser cut.
Verdelandia Nativa Premium is a traditional chimarrao with a coarse cut.
Verdelandia Tereré Extra Strong is a Brazilian maté with a coarse cut.
Yerba Mate Verdelandia Tereré Ice with a generous amount of mint.
Verdelandia Tereré Lemon is a classic green maté enriched with natural lemon aroma.
Yerba Maté Verdelandia Tereré Lemon Mint is enriched with peppermint and natural lemon.
Verdelandia Tereré Mint Black Premium is a green mate with larger, thicker leaves.
Verdelandia Terere Mint Boldo is a refreshing yerba mate.
Verdelandia Tereré Natural is a classic green maté with larger, thicker leaves.
Verdelandia Tereré Pure Leaf is purely leaf mate suitable for cold preparation as tereré.
Villa Bonita Tradicional - is a traditional Argentine yerba maté with an authentic flavor.
XIMANGO Cinnamon Compound is a Brazilian yerba mate blend with a refreshing taste.
Ximango Moida Grossa Chimarrao is a classic Moida Grossa chimarrao.
Yerba Maté Ximango Traditional is a traditional Brazilian chimarrao with a creamy taste.
The beverage has an exceptionally gentle taste and quite strong stimulating properties.
Premium, organic, coarsely ground green maté with the addition of guarana and acai.
Premium, organic, coarsely ground green maté with the addition of chamomile.
Yacuy Guarana Composed is a premium, finely ground green mate with added guarana.
The harmony of the perfect blend of medicinal herbs such as carqueja, lemongrass...
Yerba Maté Yacuy Organic Red Fruits is a premium, organic, finely ground green mate.
Yacuy Native is a traditional chimarrao from Brazilian manufacturer Yacuy.
Traditional chimarrao green yerba mate with a mild flavor and smooth, creamy texture.