Yerba Maté in packaging for traditional use mostly with gourd and bombilla.
Aguantadora Yerba Maté Despalada is a traditional Argentinean-style maté without stems.
Argentinian yerba mate Ajedrez Despalada, finely ground and vacuum-packed.
We produce this 100g doypack for you.
Stronger in taste due to the absence of stems, will not disappoint even experiened materos
Andresito Despalada is a medium coarsely ground, leafy yerba with traces of fine stems.
Don Lucas despalada is a traditional yerba maté. It has a distinct, slightly bitter taste.
Natura Despalada is a version made only from the leaves of yerba mate.
It is characterized by a low dust content and a fraction of medium-cut leaves.
Argentine Yerba Maté without stems, featuring a unique aroma and great taste.
Rosamonte Yerba Maté Despalada is a traditional Argentine maté with larger leaves.